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Protecting Your Home From Silent Threats

As a homeowner, you want to protect your home from external threats. You install alarm systems to prevent a home invasion. You insulate your windows to keep out inclement weather. Many times, it’s the unexpected instances that cost the most of your money and time. These are the situations you wish you had prepared for. When you Gladhill Services, you can rest assured that their certified technicians can protect your home from pests, mold, and water damage before these silent threats damage your home.

Pest Control in Berkley County, WV

Pests can get in your home or business any time of the year. Whether it be rodents or insects, they can cause major damage to the structure of your home. Pests chew through wires, destroy woodwork, create nests in inconvenient places, and pose a threat to your health. Luckily, Gladhill Services offers a Home Protection Plan to keep you covered. Our technicians stay ahead of pests by providing seasonal-appropriate treatments to your home or office. The best part? Gladhill Services will return anytime that a pest returns. Why would you ever set another glue trap when you can rely on the professionals?

Mold Removal in Berkley County, WV

Mold can be one of the most serious threats to your home and health. Mold tends to grow in dark places, which means it can multiply and spread for a long time before you ever notice it. If the mold is disrupted, it can release spores into the air. These spores can migrate and land on a new surface or in your HVAC unit, posing a larger risk. For these reasons, mold should be removed by a professional. The team at Gladhill Services uses a 5-step removal plan to ensure safe and effective results.

Duct Cleaning in Berkley County, WV

The ducts in your home may be easy to forget about, but they are critical to your air quality. Mold spores, allergens, and other contaminants can live in your ducts, silently spreading through the air. If you live with small children, pets, or smokers, it is increasingly important to keep your ducts clean. When you trust Gladhill Services to clean ductwork in your home, you can breathe easy. Duct cleaning is highly recommended if you recently completed a renovation project or removed mold from your home.

Waterproofing in Berkley County, WV

When a house begins to age, moisture seeps inside through walls and openings that were not made watertight during construction. Water damage may seem small at first, but it can lead to a host of issues. If left untreated, water damage can damage the structure of the home, create mold, increase utility costs, and decrease the value of your home. When water damage happens in crawl spaces or basements, it can quickly develop before you realize it is there. Protect your home from the unexpected. Gladhill Services has a variety of waterproofing solutions to fit your project size and your budget. 

Don’t let silent threats damage your home. Call Gladhill Services today to discuss how you can protect your home. We believe in customer transparency and will provide you with honest, affordable options to meet your needs.