Wood Destroying Insect (WDI's) or Wood Destroying Organism (WDO's) are official reports written after thurough inspections are completed by licensed pest management professionals. WDI or WDO inspections are completed in requirement by most lenders and banks in order to buy, sell or refinance a property. This is due to termites and other wood-destroying organism's like Powder post beetles impacting the structural integrity and overall value of a home.
With large investments at stake, homeowners must search for and use reliable and transparent inspectors. Gladhill Services has inspectors, who understand how important it is to inspect homes thuroughly, and that will complete the proper form accurately. Gladhill Services provides WDI / WDO reports upon request the same day inspections are done if needed, and, if a problem is detected, and in many cases, treat the property quickly to help delay the sale or refinancing.
Since no inspector can see through walls or get into inaccessible areas, Gladhill Services offers a warranty after our WDI inspection. Upon request, a new buyer can choose to become a Gladhill Services Pest Control customer with an annual contract electing the added option of termite protection should any subsequent inspections reveal a problem. A significant benefit to the buyer, this option helps protect the realtor if wood-destroying insects are identified post-sale.