pest control

Get Rid Of Roaches

When there is a serious infestation present a strong odor is typically smelled. Bodies from dead cockroaches may be found throughout the area or entire house.  Egg cases, called oothecae can be seen laying around, and young roaches are visible crawling on floors, running up cabinet interiors, and hiding together.


Cockroaches are nocturnal creatures that prefer living and feeding when its dark, so if you see a cockroach during the day it's usully a sign of infestation. Cockroaches prefer moist places to hide and breed. You can find them behind refrigerators, under and around sinks and stoves too. Commercial establishments may have roaches in floor drains and around motors housed within major appliances. Cockroaches can flatten their bodies and fit into narrow areas. Cockroaches can be found underneath rubber mats in resuarant kitchens, behind wallpaper in any establishment, and within cracks and voids of walls.

Feces from cockroaches is visible during an infestation. Young roaches and nymphs produce feces that look like coffee grounds or black pepper. Larger roach species like American, Australian, and Pennsylvania Woods leave behind droppings larger and more cylindrical like a mouse. The amount of feces in an area is a positive sign of the level of infestation.

Allergies and cockroaches

German, American and Oriental cockroaches’ feces and saliva contain problematic proteins and allergens. These proteins and allergens may cause asthma attacks. In densely populated cities, researchers have identified a direct connection between the presence of cockroach infestations and the onset of asthma attacks.

ccording to the United States National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the United States National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases it was proven in 2005 that among a the general population of inner city children, cockroach infestations triggered asthma symptoms more than other known allergen.

Preventing cockroaches

Eliminating cockroaches in any type of structure requires a combined effort on the part of management, homeowner or tenants, and the pest professional. Cockroach infestations may worsen when tenants and homeowners tackle them on their own.  The misuse of retail products may cause populations of roaches to spread out and increase size of the infestation. Cockroaches can move on to other units in apartment buildings, other rooms of a home, and to other parts of a commercial kitchen.

Steps can be taken to prevent cockroaches from infesting your home or establishment. Dishes should always be washed, dried and then put away. Food must never be left on counter tops or tables. Old plumbing lines and other potential leaks should be corrected. Garbage and food scraps need to be taken out each day. Any holes or cracks in ceilings bases and walls need seald or repaired. If you're living in an apartment building and see signs of an infestation you should immediately report it to the superintendent or property manager immediately.

5 Steps To Get Rid Of Fleas

Fleas will bite both animals and humans for blood. Flea bites typicaly appear as small red bumps that are itchy and uncomfortable more often than not. These bites usually appear in small groups on the skin. Not only are flea bites uncomfortable, fleas can transmit bacteria and viruses through their bites. If you get bitten by a flea, you should clean the bite with warm water and soap to reduce the risk of infection. Anti-itch creams are available as well. If you feel a flea bite is serious, seek the advie of a medical professional as soon as possible.


An infestation of fleas can be very difficult to eliminate due to fleas having a complex life cycle. There are four stages to a flea's life; the egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages together make up what is known as a complete metamorphosis  The fleas life cycle can take anywhere from a couple weeks to several months, depending on the immediate environmentent to complete. This makes control methods difficult at times for most people. Some retail products marketed for flea control may only be formulated for one or two life cycles. It's often best to call a professional like Gladhill Services in order to rid your home of fleas once your pet is treated. 

Since pets go in and out of the house all the time it's almost impossible to treat fleas without treating both the inside and outside of your home. A treatment on the lawn will also need to be in order. Dense foliage from landscape plants may be in need of treatment too since fleas can thrive in areas of dense high growth or groundcover.
These are common areas to find fleas.

Step One - Vacuuming

First you'll need to vacuum the entire house. Vacuum all carpeting and hard surfaces, paying close attention to where your pet sleeps and spends time resting. Be sure to get underneath all furniture, rugs, beds etc. You must vacuum (and treat if doing yourself) all furniture. Once this initial step is complete disregard your vacuum bag in in a sealed container and take it outside. This will prevent fleas from getting back out infesting your home again. Vacuuming, shampooing or even steam cleaning rugs and carpet will only kill some of the larvae  so a professional treatment will most likely remain necessary for the complete elimination.

Step Two - Wash Linens

Wash all bed linens and pet bedding to kill possible fleas. Be sure to always wash and dry all bedding at the hottest temperature fabrics can tolerate or, if washing is not possible you must bag all linens and remove from the house during this step. These items must be washed at a later date but, cannot be brought back inside the house until washed and dried.

Step Three - Keep Pets Out

To keep you and your pets safe we suggest your veterinarian treat your pet for fleas on the day Gladhill Services provides your service. This helps prevent your pet from re-introducing the pest into the treated environment. Make sure to remove your pet's food and water dishes. In fact, it's best to remove any pet-related items from your home during treatment. Please keep your pet out of treated areas until materials are dry. We suggest ventilateing the interior of your home during this time.

Exterior Flea Prevention

In many parts of the country, freezing temperatures help control flea populations outside. But in warmer climates, flea populations thrive all year long. Fleas do prefer a cooler, shady place with a little moisture. During the warmer months, fleas hide in and around shrubs, within leaf litter, in mulch, and under structures that may fill your landscape. Since flease cannot tolerate the sun for too long do not thrive much in cut lawns as many believe. Here are a few steps that will help keep your yard less attractive to fleas.

Step Four - Clean Up Yard

Clean up and remove debris from your yard. Remove any refuse or garden debris like piles of wood,  bricks, or any type of discarded pots. These are the ideal breeding sites for fleas.  Use a broom to sweep off patios. Don’t forget to check out your cat or dog's favorite places to run and lay. This includes dog runs and kennels, areas underneath decks or porches, under shrubs, and along fence lines.

Step Five - Mow & Prune

An easy way to reduce flea and tick populations in your yard is to keep the grass, trees, and shrubs trimmed. Mowing your lawn to the proper height exposes the soil to sunshine, keeping it dry, and removing the longer grass fleas and ticks prefer to hide in. Prune bushes and trim trees to increase the amount of sunshine in your yard. Both fleas and ticks prefer moist environments, so be sure to avoid overwatering.

Eliminating fleas should always be left up to professionals like Gladhill Services. You shouldn't have to live in a home infested by fleas so give us a call 717-597-1040 or click here to get an inspection today.

DIY Mosquito Control

The control of mosquitos can become very complicated for homeowners and professionals alike as the insect can adapt to changing conditions. Mosquitos can quickly fly away depositing eggs in another area close by. Pesticides may become displaced in heavy rains but there are options available. 



Mosquitoes are one of the most significant concerns for disease. Mosquitoes have adapted to thrive in an urban environment. Mosquitos have also evolved into becoming a major nuisance in residential backyards from one year to the next.  According to the CDC, mosquitos are responsible for the transmission of West Nile virus, Zika virus and encephalitis.

Female mosquitoes feed on blood for egg development. The males do not feed on blood. Mosquitoes are extremely annoying to humans as they bite, posing a significant threat due to their ability to transmit diseases. As a food source for many creatures, mosquitos also play an important role in nature.


Usually, a mosquito bite appears like a small, inflamed, and itchy bump. Some people may react more intensely if they are allergic. While the mosquito bite itself is harmless, mosquitoes can transmit diseases like malaria, West Nile virus, yellow fever, and Zika through the bite. Due to this risk, it's wise to use an insect repellant when outdoors to help prevent mosquitos from biting you. If you feel a mosquito bite is serious, seek medical help as soon as possible.


Mosquito populations are typically concentrated near areas where standing water can be found. Due to reproduction, mosquito eggs need water in order to hatch and thrive. Some species of mosquito lay their eggs directly in the water, while other species deposit their eggs in moist soil, out of direct sunlight. When the soil becomes flooded with water the eggs then hatch. The "floodwater" species of mosquitos lay their eggs in autumn, remaining dormant throughout the winter then, hatch during spring when rains fill the areas. A female mosquito will produce up to 200 eggs at a time that will easily developes into an infestation anywhere.


Uncirculated water, ponds, fountains, retention ponds, birdbaths, and old tires.

Tree wells, tree holes, flowerbeds, plant containers, decorative pots, sprinklers.

Any surface protected from wind and direct sunlight that retian higher levels of moisture. Take into consideration areas underneath decks and porches, the underside leaves, eaves, and gazebos.

One of the easiest ways to prevent mosquito populations from forming is to simply empty or throw out anything that could collect or retain standing water, like buckets, lids, old tires, etc. It is a well-known fact that mosquito infestations can start out of a single cap from a soda bottle. Another way to go about preventing mosquitos around your home is to use the traditional bug zappers. These are useful when hung or placed around porches and patios. Most insects are naturally attracted to light so it makes sense to attract them with bug zappers. When outdoors natural as well as conventional bug sprays will help knock down the total number of bites but understand most retail products are shy of long-term control. many of these retail products have a very low dose of active ingredients allowing their effectiveness to only last a few minutes to a few hours at best.  If a mosquito infestation seems out of your control, give Gladhill ervices a call. We can evaluate the situation for you, seek out the breeding sites and develop a solution to deal resolve your problem as quickly and as effectively as possible.

Get Rid Of Stink Bugs

While stink bugs are harmless to humans, their large numbers and hibernation patterns pose a threat to tropical plants inside the home, vegetable gardens, crops. And, it's no secret that stink bugs have become a constant annoyance for homeowners, gardeners, and farmers alike.  Below you'll learn a few proven methods to help control and prevent stink bugs in and around the house.

stink bug

What stink bugs eat?

The mouthparts of stink bugs are made for sucking and piercing, which they use to feed on fruits, vegetables, and certain crops. Stink bugs can cause significant damage to plants when they feed. Stink bugs prefer many species of plants and trees to feed on. Trees like birch, serviceberry, hackberry, catalpa, redbud and dogwood are known favorites for stink bugs to eat. Nut and fruit trees preferred by stink buds are pecan, apple, plum and pear. Stink bugs love your bell peppers, cucumber, tomato, grape leaves, and sunflowers. Stink bugs will damage a plants leaf surface, its fruits, injure its seeds, and transfer pathogens making them a natural enemy for farmers, homeowners, and gardeners to combat.

What attracts stink bugs?

Stink bugs are attracted to food and certain environments! The types of plants near a home will always be an attraction and a reason for why you might have them worse than your neighbor. And, as for environmental conditions, stink bugs breed in warmer weather since they are cold-blooded needing the external heat to keep them alive. It's apparent to professionals that stink bugs are attracted to light colored homes where they easily bask in full sun. This is noticable on the exterior of buildings in the spring as they go back into nature for feeding and breeding, and during early fall where hundreds to thousands may be gathered gaining access into the home for winter. Inside homes, a stink bug's favorite place to hide or overwinter are in windowsills and door frames.

Do stink bugs bite?

Stink bugs do not go after people or animals for any reason. In fact,  if they bump into you during flight it is most likely a complete accident. They keep to themselves. But, it is known that stink bugs may bite humans if they feel threatened. If a stink bug bites, the person may feel some discomfort in or near the area of the bite. According to local physician's a stink bugs' bite is usually considered non-poisonous to adults but, it may be considered poisonous for newborns and toddlers. As with any insect bite, seek the advice of a licensed medical practitioner. With that said never fear a stink bug. Swatting at stink bugs as they fly or smashing them with your hand will only increase your odds of being bitten. If you let them be they will leave you be! If you find a stink bug crawling on you gently flick it off as this will avoid a bite and the release of its smell. 


Stink bugs in the house?

Stink bugs inside the home are over-wintering adults that came in to hibernate during winter months. Stink bugs take advantage of cracks and crevices around windows and door, behind baseboards and crown molding, and around light fixtures in ceilings. Our crews have even found hundreds gathered together under insulation found in attics and crawl spaces.
A great preventive measure is to seal as many cracks as possible to keep stink bugs out of your house. Potted plants around the inside your home is another attraction for stink bugs as they provide a natural habitat during the long, cold winter. 


Stink bugs on the house?

As a Do-It-Yourself project, the control and prevention of stink bugs is typically a two-fold process. The first being the outside of your house in spring when stink bugs begin emerging from the house. It's best to let them leave so an application of pesticide on the outside is best. In the fall, stink bugs begin gathering on the sunny sides of homes making their way in for the winter to hibernate. Again, treat the exterior of the house. Now, is a good time to dust behind base boards, above light fixtures in ceilings, attics, around door and window frames as these are locations stink bugs will try overwintering.


Stink bugs in the garden?

The most effective preventive and control measure a Do-It-Yourselfer can take for keeping stink bugs out of the garden is to grow herbs such as mint, basil, coriander, and borage. These plants are not only medicinal for us, but also attract several other species of insects that prey on stink bugs. It's important to know that the use of pesticides in gardens and on farms has not yet proven to be effective for stink bugs.  This is due to the strong protective armor-like body of stink bugs.  Chemical and organic pesticides are most effective on stink bugs as they overwinter and begin migrating back into the home. 

Many professional pest control companies offer quarterly treatments for stink bugs and for good reason. While 1-2 applications of pesticide will knock their numbers down, stink bugs migrate twice each year. The first migration is in the spring where stink bugs emerge from hibernation and fly back out into nature to feed and breed. In the fall, stink bugs fly back to homes as they begin gathering in areas where they will get the most sun light. During the summer months, you may see a few stink bugs here and there. Further treatments are usually needed to prevent egg laying within or near the house. On warmer days during winter, stink bugs can be found flying across your living room, crawling across your ceiling upstairs or found seemingly lifeless in the basement. It has been noted by many homeowners and professionals alike that some pesticides work better on stink bugs than others. As a Do-It-Yourselfer, follow the guidelines above to prevent and control stink bugs this year. If it gets too much and if they seem to get worse call a professional pest control company like Gladhill Services. We can help if you need it. 

Dangerous Household Pests

Some pests are a genuine cause for concern because they each have the potential to harm you and your family and pets!


Cockroach feces, saliva, and shed skin degrade into a dust over time becoming a common trigger for allergies in both adults and kids. Cockroaches can cause an allergic reaction resulting in sneezing, itchy eyes, and possibly severe asthma attacks. Mold inside the home is another known trigger for people living with asthma and other respiratory issues. 


Mold, dander, dust mites, tobacco smoke, and cockroaches are indoor allergens. Cockroaches cause sensitive individuals to suffer asthma attacks. Infants exposed to cockroach infestations are more likely to remain sensitive throughout their lives. Children and adults who suffer from asthma may experience their condition worsen with repeated exposure.


Flies, mold, cockroaches, and rodents all place your health at risk causing illnesses. Headaches, fever, nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain from contaminate food sources are risk factors that should not be taken lightly. Mosquitos and ticks are vectors for serious health risks like West Nile, Malaria, Zika virus, Lyme disease and more. 

Getting stung by a wasp, bee, hornet, or yellow jacket may cause pain and other serious health outcomes for some. 

Getting stung by a wasp, bee, hornet, or yellow jacket may cause pain and other serious health outcomes for some. 

Droppings cause allergic reactions, as well as diseases.  Rodent urine and feces can damage and contaminate food with bacteria.

Droppings cause allergic reactions, as well as diseases.  Rodent urine and feces can damage and contaminate food with bacteria.

Pigeons become a danger to our health when they begin nesting in and around buildings. Their feces is can create breathing hazards as it piles up.

Pigeons become a danger to our health when they begin nesting in and around buildings. Their feces is can create breathing hazards as it piles up.

Cockroaches are known to spread more than 30 types of bacteria. Evidence supports them triggerring Asthma attacks.  Roach droppings, saliva and shed skin contain proteins that can cause allergic reactions for both adults and kids.

Cockroaches are known to spread more than 30 types of bacteria. Evidence supports them triggerring Asthma attacks.  Roach droppings, saliva and shed skin contain proteins that can cause allergic reactions for both adults and kids.

With the presence of West Nile, Malaria and Zika, Mosquitoes area serious health threat.  Mosquitos cause allergic reactions from bites cause itchy, inflamed marks on the body.  When scratched, mosquito bites become even more irritated.

With the presence of West Nile, Malaria and Zika, Mosquitoes area serious health threat.  Mosquitos cause allergic reactions from bites cause itchy, inflamed marks on the body.  When scratched, mosquito bites become even more irritated.

Ticks carry lyme disease transmitting the disease through biting.  If you're bitten by a Tick with Lyme disease, you may experience flu-like symptoms.  A rash around the bite can also form along with fatigue.  Ticks are a risk.

Ticks carry lyme disease transmitting the disease through biting.  If you're bitten by a Tick with Lyme disease, you may experience flu-like symptoms.  A rash around the bite can also form along with fatigue.  Ticks are a risk.

Fleas will bite you too, and not just your pets.  Fleas can cause mild to severe skin irritations that worsen when scratched. 

Fleas will bite you too, and not just your pets.  Fleas can cause mild to severe skin irritations that worsen when scratched. 

Bed bugs feed on human blood. Their bites can cause mild to severe irritation and when itched may worsen or lead to secondary infection.

Bed bugs feed on human blood. Their bites can cause mild to severe irritation and when itched may worsen or lead to secondary infection.

DIY Winter Pest Proofing

As the cold and bitter air of winter draws nearer and as the temperatures begin dropping, rodents like mice and rats head indoors in search of food and shelter. Other pests begin migrating inside as well as they too seek out warmth along with a peaceful place to overwinter. If you’re not careful, your home could easily end up becoming a natural resource for nature! The good news is you don’t have to stand helpless while rodents and other pests silently check in to your home for the winter.



While you might be wondering just how maintaining your lawn and landscape is helpful towards pest-proofing your home for the winter, know that rodents and other household pests begin their life cycles outside. If your lawn is full of overgrown vegitation and debris pests will thrive in their natural environment before making their way inside your house for the winter. When pest-proofing your home for the winter, start in September by doing the following:

  • Clear your lawn and landscape of leaves, clippings, and other debris
  • Eliminate standing water and garden remnant
  • Check for rodent burrows around your foundatio


The majority of household pests end up in the kitchen due to water and food being readily available. One of the best ways to keep pests out of your home and especially out of your kitchen is to make food less available to them. Sometimes a simple cleaning of cabinets and counter tops isn't enough... This means:

  • Securely place food in airtight containers and store them in the fridge or cabinets.
  • Don’t leave fresh foods and produce on your counters or tabletops over night.
  • Clean out your pet’s bowls each nigh, and take them off the floor when they are near a door.

Pests and rodents will take any type of food they can get, even your leftovers from three days ago! To help reduce the number of pests in and around your home make sure you secure your garbage every day, and remove it from inside the home on a regular basis. If you leave a bag full of trash near the perimeter of your house you’re simply asking rodents and other pests to come inside for the winter - or, any other time of the year. If possible, raise your garbage containers off the ground to discourage rodents from easily climbing up and into them. 


The last professional tip, and most likely the best way to begin pest-proofing your home for the winter is to ensure pests are unable to find their way inside. When nighttime temperatures begin falling it's best to take some time checking the interior walls of your basement or crawl space, and around the exterior of your home looking for entry points. Entry points are considered tiny to large openings, such as a crack, in the foundation or base of a house that rodents and other pests can crawl into gaining access to the interior of structures. Specific areas to check when searching for entry points are as follows:

  • Laundry vents
  • Utility meters
  • Foundation cracks
  • Crawl spaces and attics

It's a good idea to install a floor sweep or other type of professional weather stripping for under doors. This will eliminate your doorways as an entry point while helping to keep warm air inside and the cool air out. 

Pest Prevention Guide 2018

Once again, we can all say "so long" to old man winter, hang up our heavy coats, and place the knit hats and gloves on the top shelf. It's now time to say "HELLO" to sitting outside, cooking on the grill, and watching brilliant sunsets. But, we cannot forget about the mosquitos, ticks, fleas, midges, flies, hornets, wasps, yellow jackets, and... the list goes on. 

Fall and winter is prime time for mice and rats, while spring and summer are synonymous with insects that bite and sting.

Fall and winter is prime time for mice and rats, while spring and summer are synonymous with insects that bite and sting.

Throughout the months of spring and summer insects become highly active. While we can also enjoy being outdoors with them understand there are times when humans and bugs cross paths. Without a doubt, insects have their time and purpose in our world and serve important roles but, when we cross paths with them there may be risks. Bees, hornets, yellow jackets, and wasps may sting in defense. Ants may ruin a picnic. Ticks, like mosquitos, may possibly transmit a disease to you or a pet.

Spring & Summer Insects to Look Out For

Wasps, Hornets, Yellow Jackets, Ticks, Mosquitos, Ants, Spiders, and Flies

Kitchen Cabinets, and Pantry

Spring is the best time to hit the kitchen cabinets and pantry for prevention. Pull out everything from inside your cabinets and drawers then, wipe down the surfaces of shelves including the inner sides of your drawers. Get rid of an type of shelf liners. Throw out any expired herbs, spices, or ingredients such as flour and grains that may introduce stored product pests into your home. While empty, inspect the backs of cabinets or pantries for entry points that pests might use. These areas include tiny cracks, holes and crevices. During the warmer months, insects like ants and cockroaches are adapted to finding food sources through them. And finally, pull out appliances, wipe surfaces and vacuum behind them. Looking for signs of pests or possible entry points for them, cleaning surfaces and getting food debris out is the best prevention in preparing for the upcoming warmer months.

Faucets & Water Sources

All insects, no matter what time of year, seek out a source of moisture. Water, even the tiniest amount is enough for any insect therefore, moisture is a major attraction for all pests such as roaches, spiders, and ants. Check all of your bathroom and kitchen faucets to ensure no leaks are present. Repair leaky faucets, loose floor tiles, and areas where caulking is stained, damaged or mildewed. Two main areas of concern with caulk are around toilets and tubs. Be sure to look underneath your sink cabinets for any signs of moisture damage. If any of these places have damaged or mildewed caulk or wood caused by moisture, you may need to call a plumber. If mold or mildew is found you should get a mold inspection to prevent further issues to you and your family's health.

Closets, Attics, Garages

Professionals in the industry live and work by one simple rule and that is - The more clutter you have, the more opportunity for pests. Simple right? During spring and summer months your odds significantly increase for spiders, ants, wasps, earwigs, termites, silverfish, fleas, various mites, ticks and mosquitos to inhabit areas inside and out of your home. Cleaning out your closets, attics, garages, or wherever you have stored items or boxes is yet another major step in preventing spring and summer pests from invading your home. Eliminating mass clutter will ultimately reduce considerable opportunities for common pests to infest your home. Follow this same professional rule in the garden. As you will soon read, piles of rock, wood and other landscape material create habitats for all insects. More threatening at times, snakes, skunks, squirrels, and other wildlife may migrate into your property seeking out homes in these materials, and with potentially harmful risks. 

Doors and Windows

Damaged screens in windows and doors may be unnoticed during the winter. It's now warming up outside so it's time to check up and clean your screens. Inspect  all your windows and doors thoroughly for damaged screens, replacing any screens that have holes before it's too late. Check the spline of frames and the seals around your doors too. While going around checking your windows and doors it's a good idea to check for any damage to your foundation. Damage to your foundation can happen during the winter months and go unnoticed as well. A  hole the size of a dime is large enough for a mouse to come through next fall, and cockroaches along with most insects can fit through the tiniest of cracks so seal any cracks you might find. 

Standing Water

Especially mosquitos, standing water is a breeding ground for insects! During the winter, water may collect in low spots around your home or garden. Bowls, buckets, toys, and play equipment like sandboxes may have standing water. Downspouts may also be an area for water to pool. Remove or repair any areas of standing water as these will become a harborage for any and all insects. Fill in low level areas and holes. Reset or reposition outdoor play equipment to eliminate this problem permanently. With mosquitos being a
major risk to our health, standing water is probably the most important of all steps to take in pest prevention during spring and summer months. 

Deteriorating Wood

Rotted or damaged roofing materials and fascia may act as a point of entry for certain insects. Check around your doors and windows, your deck and patio, the skirting of your home, and other areas where wood might need replacing. Carpenter bees, wasps, ants, spiders, silverfish, centipedes and many other insects love these areas with wood being prime habitats. Birds, while most of us may enjoy watching them, they may create an unhealthy scenario around your home.


Once you have completed these 6 steps to Spring & Summer Pest Prevention you’re ready to begin enjoying your summer! We never said it would be easy. We certainly didn't say it would be quick or easy for that matter. But, if you begin following this guide as the forsythia blooms yellow then in no time at all you can have peace of mind. Not only will this guide give you the knowledge to keep your home pest-free, it will also help you maintain your property value. If you may have discovered evidence of a major pest issue contact Gladhill Services, as we can help you take care of any pest issue.